Artist's Statement

Portraits and figure paintings are one of my favorite motifs. A good portrait is one that not only captures part of the specific human but also makes a statement about humanity. This again need not be a conscious attempt on my part to make a statement, but one that evolves in the process of painting and may not even be understood by me for some time.

Nudes are even more specific about humanity. You strip away their individuality with their clothing and what you have left is man’s image of himself at a specific time in a specific culture. Paintings are very truthful. They tend to tell the truth in spite of the painter…the process will reveal that which was not consciously intended but what is beyond the consciousness; transcendental. Paintings at their best are transcendental objects.

Primarily the paintings are about the paint. The paint, its application, color and combinations of color transcends any conscious plan I start with…and in the struggle to join the paint with the drawing and the idea without subjugating any one to the other; a work evolves. If it survives the struggle and isn’t compromised by lack of will; it may have a vitality which is the real purpose of my work. To create a thing with a vital life of its own, almost in spite of me rather than because of me.

When I am truly in touch with what I strive for… the work is done through me rather than by me and I am thrilled and humbled at the same time.

Hugh Sullivan